I believe that freedom, healing, and joy are our birthright, but also require the invested support of community.


As a jovial-mover and shaker, I founded Little Spaces Wellness to fulfill my heart’s mission. Working at the intersection of art, education, and wellness for the last decade, I've always been drawn back to two components of previous roles—the impact of movement breaks in the classroom and the gratitude experienced and witnessed in community-based fitness classes. 

I am a natural born creative and leader, and I allow my teaching to be influenced by Spirit. With an adapted holistic approach to living, I sought out a healing journey that encouraged me to feel more connected to my body, and also others. 

The genesis of Little Spaces Wellness is the belief that everyone, especially Black Women and families, should have access to sustainable and safe holistic wellness experiences. With that, Little Spaces Wellness is a healing-influenced and healing-focused community wellness hub. 

It is inspired by my love for movement and healing, and intends to encourage individuals to prioritize embodied healing through creativity, movement, and community.

​I am a doctoral student, registered Yoga Teacher, artist, non-profit professional and former elementary educator. I’ve taught and served youth and families in Kansas City Public Schools and Chicago Public Schools, served as a summer educator for CDF Freedom Schools, and am an AmeriCorps VISTA service alum.

I stand firm in my conviction that joy, freedom, and healing are our birthright.

I look forward to our shared healing journeys.

In peace,


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